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BHL-Europe is mobilizing the published knowledge of biological diversity. And make this digital literature freely available to everyone through this portal. The expand search is representing the additional web services as a CoL, PESI and VIAF helping you with search of authors and scientific names.
Do you smell ammonia in your house? It may be the presence of woodlice! They do not excrete urine, but give off ammonia gas through their exoskeleton instead, which is why places where they live in large numbers smell bad. Common Rough Woodlouse from BHL. Image is under CC BY of Stanislav Krejčík. For more information about Common Rough Woodlouse visit Biodiversity Library Exhibition.
EXPLORING AND DOCUMENTING DIVERSITY IN NATURE. A taxonomic research network formed by institutions of reference in Europe. Over 5000 researchers in European Natural History Museums, Natural Sciences Museums, Botanic Gardens and other research institutions.
Last voyage of Henry Hudson. They met the friendly Indian tribes Algonquin and Lenape. Thanks to the mapping and information provided by the English captain in the service of the Dutch, Henry Hudson, Spitsbergen became an important area for fishing and whaling? Hudson also discovered the island of Jan Mayen? .
Monday, February 3, 2014. Did you know that in some placoderms the structure of their brain is described, although these animals are completely extinct? This can be possible due to the extraordinarily preserved internal parts of their braincase. CC BY-NC of Institute of Geology at TUT. CC BY-NC of Institute of Geology at TUT. Internal side of the skull roof. CC BY-NC of Institute of Geology at TUT. In general, placoderms lived at the bottom or.
Cinnamomum verum - image is under CC-BY licence from Forest and Kim Starr.
Did you know that? Beech martens love to gnaw automobile wires in half? Martens may be chased out of a home by distributing dropping of large wild cats where they reside? In captivity, young martens may be readily tamed, and with the proper care, remain tame even after maturing? In high mountain ranges during summer months, martens may be found up to 4000 meters elevation? Martes foina - image is under CC BY-NC.
Florence Merriam Bailey Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 7417, Florence Merriam Bailey Papers, 1865-1942. Maria Emma Gray portrait as a young woman Figures of Molluscous Animals, Selected from Various Authors, Etched for the Use of Students by Maria Emma Gray, vol. 1, 1859, Biodiversity Heritage Library. Did you know that? The Smithsonian Libraries hold more than 2 million volumes, over 36,000 of which have been digitized? Collection in the Biodive.
Philodendron affine, Biologia Centrali-Americana, Botany v.
Its consumption raw is not fatal, but can produce continuous retching for up to six hours, and with only a small amount of ingested material? After thorough cooking, they are no more poisonous than, for instance, Armillarias? .
AT HOME - AT SCHOOL. Welcome to the ThinkQuest International Competition 2011 Digital Media website created by students of Istituto Comprensivo Statale,Palombara Sabina,Italy and Kendriya Vidyalaya NFR Maligaon, Guwahati, India. The Ruby-throated-hummingbird-The smallest bird in the world. Monday, April 25, 2011. TAGS Fascinating and Amazing facts about Birds. Cherrapunji or Sohra is the place where we have the highest rainfall in the world. Sunday, April 24, 2011.
Secretive predators that can be both fascinating and a bit scary. Images of many species but most of text still to be written. These predatory insects come in many shapes, sizes and colours and are thought to have evolved from cockroach-like ancestors. Sharks, rays and chimaeras. A guide to the cartilaginous fish found round the coast of southern Africa. Comprehensive coverage with images, information and distribution maps. Text and images uploaded for many species. Endemic to the Western Cape.
Biodiversity richness for all South Africans. Current Sponsors for the Prizes for the Conservation Adventure on 8 May 2011. Thursday, April 28, 2011. It seems that our plan for 70 teams has not worked out. well there is still 24 hours left till the deadline. Only a few more hours to go to get in on the adventure.
What is Biodiversity Finance? Ministers and experts debate better financing for nature at 3rd Global BIOFIN Conference. BIOFIN 3rd Global Conference Agenda. Bhutan, a small country with a big example of sustainable socio-economic development in harmony with nature. There are 31 countries currently implementing the BIOFIN methodology. SEE ALL NEWS AND MEDIA.
What is Biodiversity Finance? Ministers and experts debate better financing for nature at 3rd Global BIOFIN Conference. BIOFIN 3rd Global Conference Agenda. Bhutan, a small country with a big example of sustainable socio-economic development in harmony with nature. There are 31 countries currently implementing the BIOFIN methodology. SEE ALL NEWS AND MEDIA.